Tian Moxibustion (Tian Jiu Therapy)

What is Tian Moxibustion (Tian Jiu Therapy)?

Tian means the Nature. According to Human-Nature relation theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) where human corresponds with the Nature, summer solstice is a critical period of balancing yin & yang of the body by applying warm-property and skin-stimulating herbal dressings/plasters on specific acupoints during the hottest time of summer when yang energy is at its most abundant and vigorous in a year.

The effect of medication directly reaches diseased areas, strengthening the body, eliminating pathogenic factors, and enhancing immunity. This reduces and alleviates the recurrence of old and existing diseases in winter, making Tian Jiu Therapy a recommended treatment for people who are prone to sicknesses. Tian Moxibustion can warm yang, replenish qi, invigorate the spleen, tonify the kidney, benefit the lungs, expel wind and cold, unblock meridians, and relieve pains. When Tian Moxibustion is done during the summer solstice, it’s called San Fu Tie; during the winter solstice, it’s called San Jiu Tie.

Who should receive Tian Moxibustion?

People with issues in the following areas could benefit from Tian Jiu Therapy:

  • Respiratory system: allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, chronic cough, weak constitution and prone to repeated colds
  • Digestive system: chronic diarrhea, stomachache (yang deficiency type), chronic gastroenteritis, loss of appetite, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome
  • Women’s health: dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, excessive clear vaginal discharge
  • Musculoskeletal system: neck/shoulder/lower back/leg pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatic disorders
  • Children’s health: recurrent colds, asthma, indigestion, poor appetite
  • Other conditions of chronic, recurrent of yang-deficiency type symptoms: dizziness, headache, cold limps, edema, fatigue, decreased libido, and aversion to cold wind, etc.

Who Cannot Receive Tian Moxibustion?

Tian Moxibustion may be harmful to you if you have any of the following symptoms:

Acute attack of asthma; fever; sore throat; children under 2 years old; pregnant women; tuberculosis; severe hypertension; diabetes; severe cardiopulmonary insufficiency; blood diseases (eg. Hemophilia, leukemia, severe anemia, etc.); cancer; keloid/scar constitution; G6PD deficiency; excess heat and/or deficiency heat constitution; skin infection/allergy or very sensitive skin type.

NEW: Orinda Acupuncture Winter 2023 Tian Moxibustion Schedule

1st Treatment: 12/21/23 – 12/23/23
2nd Treatment: 12/29/23 – 1/2/24
3rd Treatment: 1/8/24 – 1/10/24

Book an appointment at Orinda Acupuncture!

Preparation for treatment

Wear loose clothing for easy access to acupoints on the back, abdomen, and legs. Do not receive treatments with an empty stomach. On the day of treatment, foods prone to trigger allergy, produce phlegm, and promote dampness, should be avoided, such as seafood, beef, lamb, duck, goose, greasy or spicy food, ice cream or popsicles, and cold drinks. Consumption of wine and tobacco use should be refrained as well.

What should I expect during and after treatment?

Herbal dressings will be applied and stayed on specific acupoints for 30 mins to 2 hours for adults and 15 mins to 1 hour for children depending on individual tolerance. However, if severe pain and discomfort or burning sensation occurs
during the application, the dressings should be removed right. While the dressings are on, avoid direct sunlight or vigorous outdoor activities which will make your body sweat causing the dressings falling off. The treatment will make
the application site congested, and therefore, there may be redness, burning, itching, pain, blistering or pigmentation on or around the dressing application areas. These are all expected skin reactions and a process of producing healing

After-application care and precautions

If blisters appear on the skin, care should be taken to protect the sore surface to avoid scratching and causing infection. They can be covered with sterile gauge pads. Small blisters can usually absorb themselves. Petroleum jelly or burn
ointment can be applied to relieve skin irritation. If the blister is accidentally scratched, it should be cleaned with saline solution, and if necessary, the wound should be disinfected with disinfectant, and then covered with sterile gauge pads.
Some may leave a light-colored pigment mark on the skin, which can gradually fade afterwards in months. It is worth noting that people with keloid/scar constitution may leave scars after moxibustion sores heal. In addition, it is not advisable to soak the patched area with cold water such as cold shower or swimming or scrub with irritating items such as soap on the day of treatment. Warm/hot showers should not be taken until at least 2 hours after the removal of the dressings. For individual with severe skin allergies, please visit your primary care physician for assistance.

Book an appointment at Orinda Acupuncture!

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